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Running Assessment



Running is a repetitive sport involving multiple loading cycles. The running assessment aims to help you maximise your performance and prevent injuries before they occur. This is done by analysing your running technique, flexibility, muscle strength and control as well as any weaknesses causing an abnormal gait. We're able to assist runners of all levels, whether you're just starting out, a veteran, fun runner or elite marathon runner. The running assessment has the ability to improve performance, prevent injury and ensure optimal rehabilitation and recovery.


Both injured and uninjured runners benefit from running assessments. Both are assessed in the same way, however in uninjured runners we look for potential areas of improvement that can lead to a boost in performance and in running economy. The aim is not to change a runners style, instead it is to identify where small changes can be made. In many cases some small adjustments can have a profound effect on performance.


In some cases small changes can be integrated and implemented after your first session. In other cases it will take longer as we are altering a movement pattern. In either case, we will work closely with the runner or athlete and provide specific strengthening and balance exercises as appropriate to help you achieve your goals and get you performing at your best.




Gait Assessment



Walking is something that most people do without giving it much thought. It’s not until we experience pain while walking, or when mobile, that we really think about how we move. Experiencing pain when we stand or when we are mobile can impact our independence and also create significant health problems both over the short and long term.


Many people can move around with an abnormal or asymmetrical gait for years without any issues. However, when someone experiences an injury or pain, their usual gait often alters to compensate, this results in an abnormal gait which can lead to bigger health issues.


Gait assessment can also play a crucial role in both pre- and post-surgery rehabilitation. Individualised programs are designed based on improving strength, balance and overall well-being. 



Gait assessments are ideal for a number of conditions, as well as people experiencing the following: 


  • Total Hip Replacement -  pre and post-surgery

  • Total Knee Replacement - pre and post-surgery

  • Age Related Functional decline

  • Balance Impairments and Falls

  • Neurological Conditions including Parkinson's

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